Chloe Liu

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I establish robust data, data science, and AI foundations to support data-driven growth strategies, personalization, and optimizing ROI for scalable growth efforts.

Marketing Analytics
Modern Data Stack Setup
Early Stage


Chloe Liu has a knack for helping budding companies grow with data at their core. Her experience is rooted in real situations where data made the difference between a good idea and a great business. Chloe's hands-on, making sure startups not only set practical goals but also truly understand their customers through personalization. She's all about clear, straightforward plans that turn the chaos of growth into a path startups can follow confidently. Chloe has experience with growing teams and strategies from scratch, and she's ready to guide more startups to do the same.


I specialize in constructing and guiding data and AI teams, formulating data and AI strategies, and developing data models that empower early-stage startups to navigate growth challenges. My ideal project involves partnering with ventures where data is a game-changer—setting the stage for exponential user growth, revenue scaling, and market leadership.


I really enjoy working with startups at the beginning of their growth journey, especially those in the seed stage who know the value of data and AI. My interests are pretty broad, covering everything from tech and SaaS to marketplaces and subscription models, and I'm comfortable in both B2B and B2C spaces. I'm keen on teaming up with companies heading towards Series A or B funding, or those seed-stage startups ready to use data as a game changer.


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