Maggie Ma

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Led B2B/B2C marketing at Google, Tobii, Essential Products, and Cheetah Mobile. Specializes in PMF, product marketing, growth and overall strategy of HW & SW products based on emerging and deep tech.

AR / VR / Spatial Computing
Marketing Strategy
Product Marketing
Growth Marketing


Maggie is a marketing and product executive transforming noval products and emerging technologies into global business successes. She thrives at the forefront of innovation, navigating diverse worlds from established giants like Google to agile startups like Essential Products and Tobii XR, orchestrating successful launches of hardware, software, and platforms across industries. Over 15 years, her vision has nurtured sizable enterprise adoption and user base of many products in pioneering areas such as AI-powered applications, devices & wearables, VR/AR/spatial computing, Android, app stores, and ads, pushing them from nascent frontiers to industry prominence.

Maggie's experience transcends borders, leaving impact across major markets globally.


  • PMF
  • Product marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Developer marketing
  • Growth marketing, and overall marketing strategy of AI-related products (for example, LLM base/chat models, AIGC applications, AI tools, AI-powered devices and wearables, GPTs, etc.)
  • VR/AR/spatial computing in healthcare, education, training & simulation, gaming, and entertainment
  • Enterprise solutions

Client Interest

Post series A clients for AI-related products. Growth stage clients for hardware products including VR/AR/spatial computing, applications, and enterprise solutions.


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