Colette Crosby

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Marketing leader with 20+ years experience in consumer and SMB product marketing for global SaaS solutions. Former Senior Director of Marketing at Indeed, Director of Marketing at Intuit and GoDaddy.

Product Marketing
Growth Stage


Colette Crosby is a highly strategic marketing executive who has led marketing teams that leveraged customer and marketing insights to drive sustained growth and durable competitive advantage. She has built product marketing organizations and GTM teams from the ground up for both SaaS and mobile native apps, in the US and overseas. Her areas of expertise include market/competitive/customer insights, messaging and positioning, new product & feature launch strategy, global expansion, and mobile app strategy. She has also advised senior leaders on product marketing organizational design, and coached ICs and managers to optimize performance.


  • Product marketing: New product and feature product positioning and messaging, backed by in-market messaging test and iteration to improve marketing performance.
  • Deep customer empathy: Help teams use deep customer empathy to build and/or showcase winning capabilities and competitive differentiators.
  • Advising & coaching: Advise senior leaders on build-out of product marketing organization, coach managers and ICs on product marketing excellence, executive presence, and framing for decision-making.

Client Interest

  • I am open to working with companies in any stage of their life cycle. 
  • Most of my experience is with financial/tax apps and personal budgeting/productivity solutions.


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